Letter Writing

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“A Time to Write” is Prison Fellowship Scotland’s Letter Writing programme, launched in early 2021. We began our programme during lockdown, after recognising the prevalence of loneliness and isolation many in prisons feel. As an example of this, a survey showed us that over 50% of those prisoners in HMP Edinburgh over 50 years old said that they received no visits.

We started by launching the programme in 4 prisons, but are in the process of expanding to all prisons across Scotland.

We chose the name of A Time to Write for the programme – based loosely on Ecclesiastes 3 where we are told there is a time for everything. We want to take this opportunity to use some of our time to write letters to men and women in Scottish Prisons, helping to alleviate to some small degree the feeling of loneliness and isolation that is an inevitable part of imprisonment - and through this be able to pray for those that we get to know.

Prison Fellowship Scotland are excited to be able to build on the years of experience of our sister organization in England and Wales who have been supporting hundreds of prisoners through their letter writing . We are using this experience to offer both training and support to all those who want to become a PF Scotland “A Time to Write”  volunteer.

if you are interested in becoming a letter writer, please email us at letterwriting@pfscotland.org to apply!
